Lo que hay en mi.......

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A little bit of me....

I just take out a bit of time to show you some of my best friends and a little bit more.....

Here is a collage form all my friends. You can see their that Jorge (coco) is around their and also me.

This is Ricky a great friend that just started to go to church with me you will see me more.

Will this is my very very best friend over the past 14 years of my life, she have been more as my oldest sister, we all love her in the family. She lives in Lancaster Pennsylvania

Well as you can see this is me Eve Liz (Evo).

This is my sister Maria she oldest one. jajaja

Here are more friends left to right:George, Rafy,Ramon and Jorge (Coco)

More family Jose my nephew with my brother William (Billy)

This is my niece Josmarie(my angel eyes)

jajajaja This Jorge and me he have become my very very best friend after all. I love this guy he have being a great support in my life and I appreciate that even that he is not longer my boyfriend he knows that I will always have him in my heart.

Well this are some of my picture that I wanted to share with you soon I will place some more. Take care and God Bless you.....

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